Grow Fed Biz

Business by Association
with guests Carrie Ann Williams
& Tom Johnson

The Dos and Don'ts

Watch On-Demand Now

Listen in monthly while Guest speakers tackle todays GovCon challenges

Face it: GovCon is still a relationship game. Pandemic changed that game forever. Now, we’ve got to be masters of online outreach at the same time as we get ready to re-tool for the return of live conferences. You know the feeling when the zoom room opens up and you’re just one more square in a sea of faces? Wondering how to make the most of your marketing budget for memberships and events? Help is here!

You Will Learn:

  • Which associations are right for you
  • How many you need to join
  • How to maximize your ROI from Association membership and events

We’ll chat live about;

  • Online event marketing mastery: Lessons learned from 2020
  • Tips to be the go-to person in the room at the your next in-person event 
  • How to find the right Federal Industry Day events
  • Do’s and Don’ts to make the most of Matchmaking with Federal buyers and primes

Before You Go. . . Apply for Your Federal Business Breakthrough Session

Judy Bradt

About Judy Bradt

Judy Bradt, CEO of Summit Insight, brings over thirty years of expertise in Federal business development and strategy to people who want to grow their federal business. She’s an award-winning author, speaker and consultant.

Judy and her team are the right choice for a company that already knows how important relationships are to Federal contracting…and is ready do what it takes to get in front of buyers and opportunities before their competition does.

Summit Insight is the only company that offers Certified Experience Products for Federal contractors. This “Earn-while-you-learn” approach to Federal business development training delivers proven, results-driven programs for people who want to grow their Federal business, and win millions of dollars in sales in a matter of months. 

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