5 Lessons Veterans in GovCon Teach Us All
Veterans Day is a time of reflection and of gratitude. For those in Federal contracting who (like me) are not veterans, it’s also an opportunity to learn more, begin a conversation, or deepen a friendship with someone who has served.
We want — and need — to hear more about what inspired you to enlist in the first place, and what drives you today to continue to serve our country as an entrepreneur.
Today, I want to pay special tribute to post-9/11 Veterans who are now Federal contractors.
When I was reflecting on your generation, I ran across a term I hadn’t heard before.
Did you know? Xennials are the micro-generation of people between Generation X and Millennials, born between 1977 and 1985. Wikipedia notes that the term was “Reported to be first created and used in a September 2014 article in GOOD magazine[1] written by freelance writer Sarah Stankorb and then-GOOD Magazine staff writer Jed Oelbaum.[2]” In 2020, Xennial was added to the Oxford Dictionary.
What I learned cracked open an idea that could make a difference for you, your business, and the Federal buyer you were meant to serve.
Why Your Post-9/11 Service Experience Is So Powerful
You served in what many people don’t realize is now the longest war in US history — a war that still isn’t over.
9/11 was your pivotal, coming-of-age, event. It changed the trajectory of your life. It made you drop everything, see things you didn’t see before, and gave you crystal-clear focus on the purpose of your life.
In that moment, you chose a life of service. That moment changed who you were. It probably shaped your career, your finances, your mate, your friends, your family, your finances, your future, and your personal happiness.
One or more among five traits of Xennials may be what attracted you to military service in the first place.
If you went on to start a business in Federal contracting, these qualities give you powerful advantages as both a prime contractor and a teaming partner well beyond small business contracting preferences to drive your business and personal success.
Five Power Traits of Xennial Veteran GovCons
In Closing…
Today, as an Xennial veteran business owner in the Federal arena, one or more of these traits may be the secret to why the way you do business is raising the bar for what Federal buyers expect from all govcons. Those qualities may not come naturally to the rest of us… but they set a powerful example for all the rest of us in govcon.
Of course “generational traits” don’t apply equally to everyone born between certain years. But the ideas give us a better understanding of how we’re all connected as human beings.
My challenge to you: next time you meet a business owner whose web site or card has the “SDVOSB CVE” logo, be sure to invite a conversation about their military service and what led them to entrepreneurship.
Finally, whether or not you’re a veteran business owner, if you don’t think human connection is important to you as a Federal contractor… then that may be why you’re struggling to grow your business.
It can be easier. Because there’s no such thing as selling to “government.” There’s only selling to people. Other humans in the Federal arena.
Start by picking up the GovCon Personas Infographic. It’s free, and links to a free guide to make it all easier.
Get yours HERE.