Grow Fed Biz

The Players and Layers Methodology Putting The Right People In The PALM of Your Hand On Demand Webinar

Would it surprise you to know that there are FIVE LAYERS to every Federal business opportunity?

The Players And Layers Methodology is a defined, proven, repeatable, relationship-based approach to federal sales that our clients have used to drive over $200 million of dollars of wins in a matter of months.
This proprietary process has been shared with hundreds of savvy GovCons who use these steps to focus their efforts and win millions of dollars in federal contracts. You will learn the simple, powerful, approach that creates transformative success for GovCons.

You will learn:

  • The Biggest Obstacle To Federal Wins
  • How To Remove That FOREVER
  • The Five Players and Layers You Need To Know
  • The Five Steps To Success
  • The ONE BIG Activation Secret

You’ll get next steps and resources you can use right away  including the GovCon Personas Guide. Five players, five layers, designed to put federal business in the PALM of your hand.

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