Grow Fed Biz

Government - Q4 Slam
Get the Tools to Win New Business in the Federal 4th Quarter

Q4 Slam

Imagine how you’d feel on September 30th, knowing you left no leads behind because you were there in time for them to say YES.

That moment starts NOW, with your Q4 Slam Toolkit and Action Guide.

Millions of Dollars of Opportunity​

Every year, the Federal government spends more in Q4 (July – September) than any other quarter. And every year Federal contractors consistently fail to prepare for this inevitability and lose out on millions of dollars of contract awards.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

The Summit Insight Q4 Slam is an online on-demand sales and marketing toolkit that prepares established government contractors to maximize their Q4 wins.

Who Should Consider the Q4 Slam?

Company Profile

The Q4 Slam is ideally suited for government contractors with past performance in the Federal market—whether you’ve been a prime, sub, or both. The size of previous wins is not important! You’ll get easy, powerful, ways to generate new business from your past performance even if your contract wins have been very small so far.

People Who Will Benefit Most

The primary beneficiaries of the Q4 Slam are companies with an established sales team. Typical titles for participation include:

  • Inside Sales Reps (ISR) and Business Development Reps (BDR) staff of larger Govcons
  • BD and capture professionals in mid-tier companies
  • C-suite of small govcons whose founders still lead the sales effort

5 Benefits Reported by Past Clients​

The Q4 Slam provides the structured tools and supporting documentation to enable companies to work on a self-paced timeline and includes:

  1. Ten proven tactics lower stress and focus primary efforts on the best prospects
  2. Step-by-step instructions keep the whole team together
  3. Checklists for each tactic improve the quality of execution and results
  4. Modular approach lets you customize your strategy and just use the tactics that work best for you, and prevents overwhelm – you can start with one tactic, get it rolling, and then add the next and then next.
  5. The editable workbook you can keep revising; softcopy lets you create a master copy with shared access within your team that everyone can use and share information.

What Our Clients Have to Say

Why You Should Consider the Q4 Slam

The data alone is compelling: in 2021, 31% of the Federal contract dollars were awarded between July and September.

There are examples where a simple conversation turned a $10,000 project into a $1,000,000 win in just six weeks.

The right conversation with the right person, early enough before the Federal fiscal year-end, is the top winning tactic in government contracting. That timely human conversation has such power. Sadly, it’s also something many people do almost anything to avoid.

Imagine how you’d feel on September 30th knowing you left no leads behind—because this year, you were in time for them to say YES.

Q4 Slam Program includes full access to the on-demand training program and the supporting exercises workbook for your entire client-facing team.

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