Grow Fed Biz

Federal Business

Get in front of your ideal Federal buyer and close more business faster

Why Choose This Program

This is a proven program with millions of dollars of growth for the companies that have done the work.
The Federal Business Intensive is our live, custom, private, business development and coaching program for you and your Federal team.

60 Days to Success

Imagine 8 weeks of private consulting and training created uniquely for you and your team.
Each week, you’ll start to use new processes, tools, and techniques to reveal and bring home opportunities you can win.

Our Promise

Within 8 weeks or less, you’ll build a solid relationship pipeline into at least 3 Federal agencies where you are confident you can win work.

10x Guarantee*

We guarantee you’ll be on track to generate sales of 10x your investment in this program within 12 months of finishing this program. *If you complete the assigned work and are not confident you can win at least $180,000 in Federal revenue, we will work with you regularly until you do, at no cost up to 12 additional months.

Top Gun Coaches

Our program coaches are all former Federal acquisition officers who each have over two decades experience managing billions of dollars in Federal contracts. Our sales coaches generated hundreds of millions of dollars in Federal wins for over 300 companies.

Limited Availability

The Federal Business Intensive program is open to a limited number of clients each year. We only work with teams we know can be successful. Could this be for you? It’s easy to find out.

The Problem

The Federal
Database Mindset

The way most government contractors look at Federal opportunities could actually be hurting your business! We start by changing The Federal Database Mindset

Many business owners put their faith, time, energy and money into contract opportunity databases and subscription services—databases that capture the thousands of notices issued by the Federal government. 

Hopeful government contractors then sift through huge amounts of data, asking: “What can I bid on?”

But the real winners focus on the right question: “Who is my buyer?”

Here’s the thing:  You don’t do business with the Federal government. When you win the contract, a real individual Federal employee — a human being — signs that contract.  Every single one of them has their own needs, fears, and priorities…that are not in any database. 

If your proposal isn’t talking to them about those needs and priorities, they’re not going to hear anything you say.

When you shift your focus from databases to the people behind the contracts, everything you do is more relationship-centred. That starts making it easier for your buyer to award the work to you!

The Solution

A People-Focused

The Federal Business Intensive program is a targeted growth implementation system based on the Players and Layers Methodology, our proprietary, systematic, way to find and build relationships with the people in your Federal agencies who make and influence the decisions about the vendors they want to work with on the opportunities you can win.

You and your team will receive live, private, training, coaching, and custom tools, in eight weekly sessions. You earn while you learn: during each session, you’ll get assignments for the upcoming week that move you closer to your goals every week.

After each session, you’ll open up new resources and the guidance you’ll need to get things done, and access the session replay to help you lock in your learning. No need to remember it all (though most of our clients keep a notebook handy as we go along): you can replay it again anytime, as well as share with new team members you might want to bring up to speed later!

Syllabus Overview

Learn from the convenience of your work space: all sessions with our leader, trainer, and coaches are live via videoconference.

8 Weeks, 8 Live Private Sessions

  • Four strategy & training sessions
  • Four private implementation sessions.


  • Video recordings of all your live sessions
  • Hands-on interactive training for all of your individual participants
  • Competitive analysis report
  • Custom competitive research data
  • Custom Federal sales plan filled with hundreds of leads and links
  • Supplemental resources curated just for you
  • Full team access to supplemental on-demand training and toolkit
  • A live coaching session with a former Federal Contracting Officer selected just for you
  • On-call expert support for your team from Judy Bradt throughout all eight weeks.

The Federal Business Intensive Program—Week by Week

Week 1: Become the Trusted Vendor

Week 1

Create The Mindset For Success

The moment we engage, your whole team begins an experience you can draw from and model for your own Federal buyers: strategies and tactics to engage and build customer intimacy and trust long before they define their requirements or make the final purchasing decision.  The first week, we tackle the top thing that stands in the way of winning Federal contracts. Our clients tell us this changes forever how they think about sales, and leaves them doubly committed to each other as well as your customers.

Week 2

Play The Federal Sales Game To Win

Everyone from seasoned sales pro’s to subject matter experts who are new to business development will strengthen their skill to make it easy to connect with the people who need you. 

You’ll know what to say, and do, and ask, to meet the players at all the layers™  in the Federal agencies you were meant to serve. You’ll know what each one needs, and why.  Our clients routinely tell us this one session alone saves them over a year of costly mistakes! You’ll be able to do the right things over and over, quit spending time and money on things that don’t work, and will have a head start on the 80% of vendors who give up when someone doesn’t return their calls.

Week 3

Choose Your Focus

In week three, we’ll deliver to you the complete picture of the buyers and sellers in your Federal market niche. Everyone on your team will get hands-on in the details of  who buys, how they buy, how much they buy, and who they love. And you’ll make a confident choice, based on hard data, of Federal agencies that represent your best prospects. You’ll know the best ways to reach them — both in terms of contract vehicles you need and the prime contractors and partners who are your best teaming prospects. 

Week 4

Launch Your Federal Sales Action Plan

Now, you see everything we’ve done so far come together! Your choice of target agencies lets us build and deliver to you a custom Federal Sales Action Plan filled with literally thousands of links and leads. You’ll start to use it in real time, during the session, because you’ll have everything you need to pick out specific people who are making the decisions on services like yours, and start using the systematic method to develop the relationships you need that lead to the sales you want.

Weeks 5-8

Turn Conversations to Commitments

This is an implementation program. Starting in week 5, you’re going to be talking to new contacts with confidence. You and your team will choose three offices or programs where you know you can win work. We’ll work with you to really get to know these people long before you pick up the phone. You’ll deepen relationships with people you know, and open doors to the ones you need to know. You’ll identify, and start having real conversations, with your players at all the layers. That’s going to be at least 15 people who are involved in buying what you do.

You’ll move into the fast lane, ahead of the competition, and find yourself talking to people who need what you do.

Week 1

Create The Mindset For Success

The moment we engage, your whole team begins an experience you can draw from and model for your own Federal buyers: strategies and tactics to engage and build customer intimacy and trust long before they define their requirements or make the final purchasing decision. The first week, we tackle the top thing that stands in the way of winning Federal contracts. Our clients tell us this changes forever how they think about sales, and leaves them doubly committed to each other as well as your customers.

Week 2

Play The Federal Sales Game To Win

Everyone from seasoned sales pro’s to subject matter experts who are new to business development will strengthen their skill to make it easy to connect with the people who need you. 

You’ll know what to say, and do, and ask, to meet the players at all the layers™  in the Federal agencies you were meant to serve. You’ll know what each one needs, and why.  Our clients routinely tell us this one session alone saves them over a year of costly mistakes! You’ll be able to do the right things over and over, quit spending time and money on things that don’t work, and will have a head start on the 80% of vendors who give up when someone doesn’t return their calls.

Week 3

Choose Your Focus

In week three, we’ll deliver to you the complete picture of the buyers and sellers in your Federal market niche. Everyone on your team will get hands-on in the details of  who buys, how they buy, how much they buy, and who they love. And you’ll make a confident choice, based on hard data, of Federal agencies that represent your best prospects. You’ll know the best ways to reach them — both in terms of contract vehicles you need and the prime contractors and partners who are your best teaming prospects. 

Week 4

Launch Your Federal Sales Action Plan

Now, you see everything we’ve done so far come together! Your choice of target agencies lets us build and deliver to you a custom Federal Sales Action Plan filled with literally thousands of links and leads. You’ll start to use it in real time, during the session, because you’ll have everything you need to pick out specific people who are making the decisions on services like yours, and start using the systematic method to develop the relationships you need that lead to the sales you want.

Weeks 5-8

Turn Conversations to Commitments

This is an implementation program. Starting in week 5, you’re going to be talking to new contacts with confidence. You and your team will choose three offices or programs where you know you can win work. We’ll work with you to really get to know these people long before you pick up the phone. You’ll deepen relationships with people you know, and open doors to the ones you need to know. You’ll identify, and start having real conversations, with your players at all the layers. That’s going to be at least 15 people who are involved in buying what you do.

You’ll move into the fast lane, ahead of the competition, and find yourself talking to people who need what you do.

What if somebody who needs to sell still feels really anxious about "sales"?

Here’s a secret: most of us do! That’s why, once you get your call prep done, your program includes a private one-hour call rehearsal and coaching session with one of our TOPGUN coaches! We choose one of our team of former Federal contracting officers who each have decades of experience awarding billions of dollars in contracts in agencies or for services and products like yours. Our whole team is committed to giving you the practice, feedback and confidence you need when you’re in front of your ideal buyers.

This is an “earned bonus” for clients who have completed call research on at least one key Federal contact in advance of scheduling the appointment, and must take place before the end of week 8.

Meet Judy! Your Federal Business Intensive Leader

For more than 30 years, I’ve helped over 10,000 people win hundreds of millions of dollars in Federal contracts, with everything from strategy to cash-in-the-bank first wins to recompletes.

I’ve been a Federal buyer myself, and I’ve won contracts with Federal agencies. And I’ve run my own business for nearly 20 years.

I created the Federal Business Intensive because of what I learned in 2014 had been my giant, painful, multi-million-dollar sales mistake. At the end of all that, I told myself, “I am never going to sell anything again.”

And then I changed my mind.


Because what I learned along the way was too powerful to keep to myself. I dug deep to face my own fears and tap the latest research into human motivation, communication, and trust…and the result was the proprietary process I have for you today.  

Since 2015, over a hundred client companies – – and their over $200 million in Federal wins — tell me I was right.

It hasn’t been easy — for me or for them. And that’s why people choose me. I’ve been where you are. There are a lot of easier places to do business than the Federal arena. We choose to be here because we know Federal buyers need us. 

What you and your team do makes a difference for Federal buyers and agencies as they serve citizens and deliver their missions at home and abroad.

But for you to do that, first you have to win their business. And to do that, you need to sell. Until you actually sell to them successfully, you’ll never get the chance to make that difference in the world.

I do what I do because you shouldn’t have to struggle to find and win business, and suffer from lost opportunities the way I did, to win the contracts and achieve your mission!

In eight weeks or less, this proven approach will win you a relationship pipeline into at least three Federal agencies where you are confident you can win the work you deserve.

Our Team
World Class Support and Experience

Your Federal business transformation will be guided by a powerful balance of support and experience. You’ll receive live mentoring from me and 2 hand-picked coaches, including one who has:

  • Led a national sales team to $65 million+ in Federal sales
  • Created sales plans for over 300 companies
  • Trained over 10,000 people in Federal acquisition and sales
  • Trained the Federal government’s own contracting officers

Investing in Federal Business Growth

Are we a fit to work together? Let’s find out. Everything starts with a conversation. 

I’ll get a chance to learn more about your unique business and the specific roadblocks you’re running into.

 And you’ll learn how our training program can work to completely transform your business into what you’ve always dreamed it could be.

At key milestones throughout the program, you and your team also gets these Rapid Results Bonus packs including:

Download the full syllabus

Set up a free 30 minute consultation with Judy

Make your commitment

Schedule your first live session

Rapid Results Bonus Packs

At key milestones throughout the program, you and your team will get these rapid results bonus packs, including:

1: Customizable Toolbox

Each week, you get a custom selection of the perfect tools to tackle your challenges, like:
  • Federal Email Wizard
  • The Federal Voicemail Game
  • Federal Email Blitz Planner
  • Breakthrough Idea Generator

4. PropLibrary Must Win Now Trial

Good proposal-writing and capture resources are hard to find. No worries! Our trusted partner Carl Dickson gives our clients 30 days of complimentary access to his renowned PropLibrary, proprietary “MUST WIN NOW” capture intelligence system, and a complimentary 45min private onboarding session.

2. Website Evaluation

Did you know? Federal buyers check you out online an average of about 12 times before they ever decide to talk to you. Will you make the cut? Our clients get a special complimentary web site assessment and recommendation for improving “findability” and Federal SEO from our expert partners at Ocean5 Strategies.

5. Exclusive Insider Resources:

Reserved for Summit Insight clients:
  • Special briefings, resources, and invitations (like conference networking tactics and new tools and templates we create throughout the year)
  • Special rates for on-site support at top Federal business events
  • Discounts on new programs

3. Set Aside Alert Trial Subscription

You’ll keep up on the latest in news and procurement policy as well as set-asides you’ll want to follow with a free 3-month trial of Set-Aside Alert

6. Special Topic Training On Demand

You get your choice of up to 3 additional complimentary 90-minute on-demand classes of your choice, from among popular topics like:
  • Simplified Acquisition: Simply Awesome
  • Mighty Micro-Purchase: Sole-Source Super-Power
  • What Your Federal Buyer Wants At Fiscal Year End (And How To Give It To Them)

1: Customizable Toolbox

Each week, you get a custom selection of the perfect tools to tackle your challenges, like:
  • Federal Email Wizard
  • The Federal Voicemail Game
  • Federal Email Blitz Planner
  • Breakthrough Idea Generator

2. Website Evaluation

Did you know? Federal buyers check you out online an average of about 12 times before they ever decide to talk to you. Will you make the cut? Our clients get a special complimentary web site assessment and recommendation for improving “findability” and Federal SEO from our expert partners at Ocean5 Strategies.

3. Set Aside Alert Trial Subscription

You’ll keep up on the latest in news and procurement policy as well as set-asides you’ll want to follow with a free 3-month trial of Set-Aside Alert

4. PropLibrary Must Win Now Trial

Good proposal-writing and capture resources are hard to find. No worries! Our trusted partner Carl Dickson gives our clients 30 days of complimentary access to his renowned PropLibrary, proprietary “MUST WIN NOW” capture intelligence system, and a complimentary 45min private onboarding session.

5. Exclusive Insider Resources:

Reserved for Summit Insight clients:
  • Special briefings, resources, and invitations (like conference networking tactics and new tools and templates we create throughout the year)
  • Special rates for on-site support at top Federal business events
  • Discounts on new programs

6. Special Topic Training On Demand

You get your choice of up to 3 additional complimentary 90-minute on-demand classes of your choice, from among popular topics like:
  • Simplified Acquisition: Simply Awesome
  • Mighty Micro-Purchase: Sole-Source Super-Power
  • What Your Federal Buyer Wants At Fiscal Year End (And How To Give It To Them)

7. Building Blocks of a Winning Proposal

A losing proposal can take up to four people 30 days to write. That effort can cost your company up to $64,000 in time and resources.

This on-demand class gives you what you need to prepare successful multi-million-dollar winning proposals, and when to walk away from no-win deals. You’ll get proven processes and tools that can dramatically improve your Federal win rate, cut costs, and increase profitability.

Building Blocks of a Winning Proposal is ideal for proposal writers, managers, business owners, or sales executives who are responsible for preparing proposals. It’s an on-demand four-hour training program and includes all training materials, complete with an example of a proposal deconstruct.

You will get:

  • The steps of organizing and managing a Federal proposal effort
  • How to focus only on the opportunities you can win
  • The steps of organizing and managing a Federal proposal effort
  • How to predict your chance of winning before you start
  • Best practices from success stories and painful losses
  • Lessons learned creating the strategy that won $65M in 18 months
  • Class materials, tools and templates—ready to go!

Your investment includes full program, live sessions, TOPGUN coaching, recordings, and bonuses for just $23,500.

Check Out Our Client Results!

$46.8 million in 5 months

New to Federal, this established commercial firm embraced all our tools and techniques to leverage their RELATIONSHIPS that, in combination with their technical and design savvy, pricing, service, and track record, brought home a remarkable first-time-ever Federal prime contract win within five months of finishing our program.

Jackie Wilson

American Fashion Network

$12 million in 5 months

When Heather Lacroix, President of Chenega Technical Innovations, worked with us, she realized where her best opportunities were.

Once her team put their focus there, she identified $25 million in high potential projects…and won $12M within 5 months of completing the Federal Business Intensive.

Heather Lacroix, President

Chenega Technical Innovations

$15 million in 12 months

Angela Mederos at Cleaners of America used data to get the focus right, and landed $15M in federal business in 12 months.

Then the $18M win came in…

Then the $52M win…

Commercial & Industrial Cleaning

American Fashion Network

47% Federal sales increase in 12 months!

Jessica used our Federal Sales Action Plan to make consistent calls to the right prospects.

She gained over 100 new qualified leads,

50 new opportunities, and saw

a 47% Federal sales increase in 12 months!

Jessica Harding

Government Sales Manager

Frequently Asked Questions

This program isn’t for everyone. Our clients who have the most results soonest have been in business for more than five years and have more than $5M in annual revenue. And one more thing: about five people in the company, including at least two in the C-suite, are actively involved in and responsible for Federal sales and business development. We only want to engage with you if we know you can be successful.

There are no promises, of course. Our clients who do the work are successful. More than a few have won work within a few weeks of finishing the program, and several have brought home multi-million-dollar wins within less than six months of working with us.

Sure. Here’s how it works: If you complete the program and all the assigned work on time, then by the end of the program I guarantee you’ll have a solid relationship pipeline  — that is, you’ll have identified and be in contact with at least fifteen people — in at least three Federal agencies where you are confident you can win revenue worth at least ten times the value of your investment in this program within 12 months of starting to work with us. If you do NOT have that confidence by the time you finish the program, we will work with you regularly for the remainder of the 12 months until you do have that confidence in your ability to achieve that result.

You bet. We work with a limited number of companies each year, so our start dates are first-come, first-served. As soon as we have your payment you get your choice of the next available start dates.

We work together with you and your team for two to three hours each week live as a group, Then, our most successful clients say they set aside about 5 hours of additional “non-contact” time for implementation and assignments in between sessions.

While ideally we work together for eight weeks in a row, we also manage to keep momentum up during a break week or even two.

You can include up to 10 team members in the basic program price, and you have the option to purchase a place for additional team members if you wish.

We offer two payment options. Option 1: Three equal payments billed to a credit card, and Option 2: One single prepayment by check. Discounts apply for a single prepayment by check.

Imagine Real Results...

Imagine getting in front of your Federal Buyer, at the right time, and knowing just what to say.
Imagine an opportunity that they create just for you instead of one you have to chase.
Imagine being your Federal Buyer’s trusted choice.

Imagine what those wins would mean for you, your company, and your family.

You can be on your way in just 8 weeks.  Let’s get started!

Still Have Questions?