Grow Fed Biz

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 20131007 Podcast Teaming.mp3

Federal Contract Success: Teaming

Summary: Summit Insight’s CEO, Judy Bradt, shares with you her top insights from large prime contractors on the do’s and don’ts of effective teaming.
In this podcast, you’ll hear a great example of the energy you’ll get, and the expertise you can tap, with Summit Insight. Listen in…and let us know what you think, and what new questions you’d like answered!
Supplier Diversity Leaders: Racking up frequent flyer miles, returning hundreds of phone calls and emails, and constantly striving to keep up? Want companies to be better prepared, and bring business, when they meet with you?

A podcast like this, an easy conversation with you, can deliver your message, 24/7, and make a world of difference. We’ve got experience with scripting, recording, and getting internal corporate approvals for projects like this. 
Find out how easy it can be. Just call us at (703) 627-1074.
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