Grow Fed Biz

Commit To Your Federal Sales Goals

Commit to your plan and federal goals

If you were successful beyond your wildest dreams in federal FY 2021, what would be true for you 12 months from now? Committing to your Federal Sales Goals will help you get there.

Think of them not just in terms of that big dollar figure, but also in terms of things like these:

  • Number of contracts (prime and sub)
  • Value of those contracts (base and options)
  • Number of billable employees
  • Leads
  • Referrals
  • Win rate
  • Renewal business
  • New vehicles

Because otherwise, the journey to September 30th can feel like swimming in the ocean with no mileposts. A sense of MOMENTUM, a sense that you’re making progress, makes all the difference.

Plan your Federal Sales Goal

There are two reasons why this matters.

A Harvard Business study revealed a powerful correlation between goal setting and success.
The 14% who have goals are 10 times more successful than those without goals.
And the 3% of people with written goals are 3 times more successful than the 14% with unwritten goals

So take a moment,  and WRITE ‘EM DOWN.

Here is your copy of the Federal Q1 Launch Guide!  

This handy infographic gives you seven easy, powerful steps.

(click below to download)

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